Gunfighters recruiting at Volunteer Resource Fair at 29 Palms MCAGCC

Retired Marine GSgt James Hilding

Gunfighters for Hire were at Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center looking for a few great Marines on Oct. 19, 2017.

Each year a Volunteer Resource Fair is put on at the Marine base to help Marines find something to keep them busy and at the same time they can earn community service points to help them earn a promotion.

This year Gunfighters for Hire members Dave Baird, Warren Horton and James Hilding were on hand to show any interested Marines what tasks are available.  Volunteers can be used in a number of positions, such as: acting, setting up/taking down sets, stat taking or sound tech, just to name a some.

Gunfighters for Hire was honored to be invited to the event and would be proud to have any active service member be part of the volunteer program and help the gunfighters put on a show.  It beats going to a store and having to wash windows, although they probably get plenty of practice at the base washing windows already.

If someone wants to volunteer, or be a member of Gunfighters for Hire, simply go to and click on the link about two-thirds down for the membership application.

Various Attendees setting up for the event
The Marines had chow on-hand for the vendors and Marines